tags. // - overwrite colors of original settings. // - use SVG instead of png files. // // change "$COLOR_" values and enjoy your wiki page! // have fun (^-^)/ // (2022.09.29 @null-i.net) // // ------------------------------------------------------------ // // original file is "pukiwiki.skin.php (1.5.4)" // // PukiWiki - Yet another WikiWikiWeb clone. // pukiwiki.skin.php // Copyright // 2002-2021 PukiWiki Development Team // 2001-2002 Originally written by yu-ji // License: GPL v2 or (at your option) any later version // // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Settings (define before here, if you want) // Set site identities $_IMAGE['skin']['logo'] = 'pukiwiki.png'; // and, set $TITLE_LOGO_SPECIAL="" $_IMAGE['skin']['favicon'] = ''; // Sample: 'image/favicon.ico'; // SKIN_DEFAULT_DISABLE_TOPICPATH // 1 = Show reload URL // 0 = Show topicpath if (! defined('SKIN_DEFAULT_DISABLE_TOPICPATH')) define('SKIN_DEFAULT_DISABLE_TOPICPATH', 1); // 1, 0 // Show / Hide navigation bar UI at your choice // NOTE: This is not stop their functionalities! if (! defined('PKWK_SKIN_SHOW_NAVBAR')) define('PKWK_SKIN_SHOW_NAVBAR', 1); // 1, 0 // Show / Hide toolbar UI at your choice // NOTE: This is not stop their functionalities! if (! defined('PKWK_SKIN_SHOW_TOOLBAR')) define('PKWK_SKIN_SHOW_TOOLBAR', 1); // 1, 0 // // color settings // $COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND="maroon"; $COLOR_TITLE_TEXT="#c6fe96"; global $COLOR_NAVI_1ST, $COLOR_NAVI_2ND, $COLOR_NAVI_ICON; $COLOR_NAVI_1ST ="#31fa21"; $COLOR_NAVI_2ND ="#cd853f"; $COLOR_NAVI_ICON =$COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND; $COLOR_MENU_TEXT="#b6f988"; $COLOR_MENU_L_BACKGROUND="#01aa01"; $COLOR_MENU_R_BACKGROUND=$COLOR_MENU_L_BACKGROUND; $COLOR_MENU_LINK ="#fedfdf"; // tag at menu. $COLOR_MENU_LINK_VISITE=$COLOR_MENU_LINK; $COLOR_MENU_LINK_HOVER ="chocolate"; $COLOR_BODY_LINK ="#446622"; // tag at main text. $COLOR_BODY_LINK_VISITE=$COLOR_BODY_LINK; $COLOR_BODY_LINK_HOVER ="gold"; $BORDER_RADIUS="20px"; // // these settings can be ignore. (set "" and use default.) // $COLOR_HORIZONTAL_LINE="#228811"; //
tag $COLOR_HEAD_BACKGROUND="#ccaa55"; //




// TITLE_LOGO_SPECIAL overwrites "$_IMAGE['skin']['logo']".
// (default: "image/pukiwiki.png".  see settings at previous lines. )
//  if you want to default or png-files, set TITLE_LOGO_SPECIAL to "".
$TITLE_LOGO_SPECIAL   ="dog"; // "dog" or "cat", or any text.
//$TITLE_LOGO_SPECIAL   ="さんぷるぺーじ";

tag blinking. // if you use this option, not use color-word ("yellow") // but use HexDec (#FFFF00) at COLOR_HORIZONTAL_LINE. $COLOR_HORIZON_TWINKLE=0; // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Code start // Prohibit direct access if (! defined('UI_LANG')) die('UI_LANG is not set'); if (! isset($_LANG)) die('$_LANG is not set'); if (! defined('PKWK_READONLY')) die('PKWK_READONLY is not set'); $lang = & $_LANG['skin']; $link = & $_LINK; $image = & $_IMAGE['skin']; $rw = ! PKWK_READONLY; // MenuBar $menu = arg_check('read') && exist_plugin_convert('menu') ? do_plugin_convert('menu') : FALSE; // RightBar $rightbar = FALSE; if (arg_check('read') && exist_plugin_convert('rightbar')) { $rightbar = do_plugin_convert('rightbar'); } // for small screen (e.x. phone device) global $is_small_screen; $is_small_screen = (preg_match('/\b(Android.+Mobile|iPhone)\b/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) === 1); $is_js_timer = (strlen($TITLE_LOGO_SPECIAL) > 0); if($COLOR_HORIZON_TWINKLE > 0){ if(preg_match('/^#+([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/', $COLOR_HORIZONTAL_LINE, $out) > 0){ $COLOR_HORIZONTAL_LINE_R255 = hexdec($out[1]); $COLOR_HORIZONTAL_LINE_G255 = hexdec($out[2]); $COLOR_HORIZONTAL_LINE_B255 = hexdec($out[3]); if($is_js_timer == FALSE){ $is_js_timer = TRUE; } }else{ $COLOR_HORIZON_TWINKLE = 0; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Output // HTTP headers pkwk_common_headers(); header('Cache-control: no-cache'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . CONTENT_CHARSET); ?> '; } ?> <?php echo $title ?> - <?php echo $page_title ?> table#__table_top { padding:0; margin:0; vertical-align: middle; border: 0; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } table#__table_top a:link { background-color: rgb(0,0,0,0); } table#__table_top a:active { background-color: rgb(0,0,0,0); } table#__table_top a:visited{ background-color: rgb(0,0,0,0); } table#__table_top a:hover { background-color: $COLOR_MENU_LINK_HOVER; } tr#__table_top_tr { padding:0; margin:0; } td#__table_top_td1 { vertical-align: middle; padding:0 10px 0 10px; margin:0; width: 80px; background-color: $COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND; border-color: $COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND; color: $COLOR_TITLE_TEXT; border-radius: $BORDER_RADIUS 0 0 $BORDER_RADIUS; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; font-size:100%; } td#__table_top_td2 { text-align: left; vertical-align: middle; padding:0; margin:0; font-size: 24px; background-color: $COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND; border-color: $COLOR_TITLE_BACKGROUND; color: $COLOR_TITLE_TEXT; border-radius: 0 $BORDER_RADIUS $BORDER_RADIUS 0; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; font-size:30px; font-weight:bold; } table#__table_navi { padding:0px; margin:0px; border: 0; border-collapse: separate; } td#__table_navi_td1 { vertical-align: middle; padding:0 5px 0 5px; background-color: $COLOR_NAVI_1ST; } td#__table_navi_td1 a:link { color: $COLOR_NAVI_2ND; } td#__table_navi_td1 a:active { color: $COLOR_NAVI_2ND; } td#__table_navi_td1 a:visited{ color: $COLOR_NAVI_2ND; } td#__table_navi_td1 a:hover { color: $COLOR_MENU_LINK_HOVER; background-color:inherit; } td#__table_navi_td2 { vertical-align: middle; padding:0 5px 0 5px; background-color: $COLOR_NAVI_2ND; } td#__table_navi_td2 a:link { color: $COLOR_NAVI_1ST; } td#__table_navi_td2 a:active { color: $COLOR_NAVI_1ST; } td#__table_navi_td2 a:visited{ color: $COLOR_NAVI_1ST; } td#__table_navi_td2 a:hover { color: $COLOR_MENU_LINK_HOVER; background-color:inherit; } table#__table_body { padding:0; margin:0; vertical-align: top; border: 0; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } tr#__table_body_tr { padding:0; margin:0; } td#__table_body_left { padding:5px 2px; margin:0; vertical-align: top; background-color: $COLOR_MENU_L_BACKGROUND; border-color: $COLOR_MENU_L_BACKGROUND; color: $COLOR_MENU_TEXT; border-radius: $BORDER_RADIUS; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; } td#__table_body_left a:link { color: $COLOR_MENU_LINK; } td#__table_body_left a:active { color: $COLOR_MENU_LINK; } td#__table_body_left a:visited{ color: $COLOR_MENU_LINK_VISITE; } td#__table_body_left a:hover { color: $COLOR_MENU_LINK_HOVER; background-color:inherit; } td#__table_body_center { padding:5px $body_padding; margin:0; vertical-align: top; width: 100%; background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; } td#__table_body_center a:link { color: $COLOR_BODY_LINK; } td#__table_body_center a:active { color: $COLOR_BODY_LINK; } td#__table_body_center a:visited{ color: $COLOR_BODY_LINK_VISITE; } td#__table_body_center a:hover { color: $COLOR_BODY_LINK_HOVER; background-color:inherit; } td#__table_body_right { padding:5px 5px; margin:0; vertical-align: top; background-color: $COLOR_MENU_R_BACKGROUND; border-color: $COLOR_MENU_R_BACKGROUND; color: $COLOR_MENU_TEXT; border-radius: $BORDER_RADIUS; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; } td#__table_body_right a:link { color: $COLOR_MENU_LINK; } td#__table_body_right a:active { color: $COLOR_MENU_LINK; } td#__table_body_right a:visited{ color: $COLOR_MENU_LINK_VISITE; } td#__table_body_right a:hover { color: $COLOR_MENU_LINK_HOVER; background-color:inherit; } div#footer a:link { color: $COLOR_BODY_LINK; } div#footer a:active { color: $COLOR_BODY_LINK; } div#footer a:visited{ color: $COLOR_BODY_LINK_VISITE; } div#footer a:hover { color: $COLOR_BODY_LINK_HOVER; background-color:inherit; } div#toolbar a:link { color: $COLOR_BODY_LINK; } div#toolbar a:active { color: $COLOR_BODY_LINK; } div#toolbar a:visited{ color: $COLOR_BODY_LINK_VISITE; } div#toolbar a:hover { color: $COLOR_BODY_LINK_HOVER; background-color:inherit; } END_OF_STYLESHEET; // Note: // After contents has been loaded, some color settings are overwritten with javascript. // If you deside colors what you want, // not change with javascript, but change original color settings at CSS files. // echo << END_OF_JAVASCRIPT4; global $navi_counter, $tool_counter; $navi_counter = 0; $tool_counter = 0; // end of tag. and start // ------------------------------------------------------------ ?>
' . ' ' . '' . $lang[$key] . '' . $lang[$key] . '' . '' . ''; $tool_counter++; } else { echo '' . '' . ''; } return TRUE; } ?>        